Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I don't really care for New Year's resolutions, but I admit there is some kind of appeal to trying to throw out some old bad habits with the ending of the year. With the distractions of the Christmas and New Year's holidays gone, and (one hopes) less cookies and goodies, so-called holiday deadlines (must find a gift, bake a cake, send cards, and so on ...) there's time to focus in the quiet of winter and start some smarter routines. With that, I resolve:
  1. Exercise more. I used to like to exercise, though I confess I never have been buff or in perfect shape (to say the least) but have definitely gotten out of the habit. Some days the best I do is make a lot of trips down to the basement and back, to check laundry, hang up clothing, do a quick vacuum or bring towels or something up. It's better than nothing, but I want better than that.
  2. Eat less. Or eat more healthy foods and less junk. I'd love to just get into the practice of smaller portions, especially in the mashed potatoes or sweets departments. (Or, less of virtually all foods, except for tomatoes and broccoli and the like.)
  3. Lose weight. The natural result of points 1 and 2. To not utter a silent prayer that the pants will fit after washing them, or looking at a sweater I loved three years ago and wishing I could fit into without it feeling like sausage casings would be excellent. I know I can do it. Now to actually do it. ... that's the challenge.
  4. Organize more. That's a broad umbrella. But basically I'd like to have less clutter on the kitchen and coffee table. Buy less impulse items and use up what I have. Or, to put it simply: I want the house to be in a state that I would not be embarrassed to have company see. The thought of someone making a pop-in visit on the fly inspires terror and feelings of, well, what do you call it when you don't even want a Jehovah's witness to see inside your home from the front porch?
  5. Save more. Our finances aren't bad, but are they great? Uh, we pay the bills on time and try not to splurge, but I'd like to remind myself that saving for a rainy day isn't a bad thing. That goes back to point 4. Less impulse, more planning, and hopefully more saving. 
  6. Keep more in touch. I haven't been the bestest of friends keeping in touch with people. More phone calls, more emails and a house that's presentable are all goals so I can socialize more and keep more abreast with what's going on with friends.

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